Kick-off meeting of the ENeL COST action took place on 11 October 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.


1. Welcome to participants
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Status of the COST Action
4. Presentations of the delegations
5. General information on COST mechanism and on the funding and reporting of coordination activities
6. Agreement on the internal rules of procedure for the Management Committee of the COST Action
7. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Management Committee
8. Selection of the Grant Holder and 2 Financial Rapporteurs
9. Work plan for the implementation of the COST Action (based on the Memorandum of Understanding)
10. Budget plan for the first period
11. Place and date of the next meeting
12. AOB
13. Closing



NEXT MEETING: Leiden, 16 January 2014