Kick-off meeting of the ENeL COST action took place on 11 October 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.
1. Welcome to participants |
2. Adoption of the agenda |
3. Status of the COST Action |
4. Presentations of the delegations |
5. General information on COST mechanism and on the funding and reporting of coordination activities |
6. Agreement on the internal rules of procedure for the Management Committee of the COST Action |
7. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Management Committee |
8. Selection of the Grant Holder and 2 Financial Rapporteurs |
9. Work plan for the implementation of the COST Action (based on the Memorandum of Understanding) |
10. Budget plan for the first period |
11. Place and date of the next meeting |
12. AOB |
13. Closing |
NEXT MEETING: Leiden, 16 January 2014