Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Opera del Vocabolario Italiano, Firenze, Italy
Early-stage researcher: No
Membership: WG1, WG2
Areas of interest:
Short statement: Working on digital research infrastructures bridging CH and DH. Communication Officer for DARIAH-IT (http://it.dariah.eu) the national branch of DARIAH-ERIC (www.dariah.eu). Currently coordinating two tasks in the PARTHENOS (www.parthenos-project.eu) H2020 project. Ph.D. in Medieval Studies, currently researcher for the Italian CNR, based at OVI (Opera del Vocabolario Italiano) institute, in charge of compiling the Italian Historical Vocabulary (www.vocabolario.org) from the origins to the death of Boccaccio (1375). OVI’s online dictionary and lexicographical databases are among the most relevant in EU and are available online for over 10 years.