COST ENeL WG1 Meeting

Vienna, Wednesday 11 February (14:00-18:00)


Katrien DepuydtKatrien Depuydt discussed the possiblities to convert the Dictionary Inventory from Excel to a database structure using the tools on
Dirk KinableCharacteristics of Scholarly Dictionaries

Reflections on the concept of a scholarly dictionary (paper in Kernerman Dictionary News)

Maria SchrammelCitizen Science – an innovative way to engage
Hindrik Sijens and Gerbrich de JongHindrik Sijens and Gerbrich de Jong discussed Gerbrich’s Inventory of Scholarly and Authoritative Dictionaries in the light of Hindrik’s STSM on Dictionary Portals in Budapest in June 2015.
Michal Boleslav Mečhura and Bob BoelhouwerAbout the Structure and Design of the EneL Dictionary Portal